- Introduction
- Context
- Life
- Thought
- The multilingual nature of Llull's works
- Llull and the catalan language
- Diffusion and preservation
- Book of Contemplation
- Book of the Gentile
- Book of the Order of Chivalry
- Doctrina pueril
- Romance of Evast and Blaquerna
- Book of the Lover and the Beloved
- Ars demonstrativa
- Felix or the Book of Wonders
- Book of the Beasts
- Desconhort
- Tree of Science
- Exemplary Tree
- Cant de Ramon
- Rhetorica nova
- Logica nova
- Liber de fine
- Ars brevis
- Phantasticus
- Ars brevis praedicationis
- Gallery of images
- Database / Dictionary
The form ‘Blaquerna’ rather than ‘Blanquerna appears in the oldest manuscripts of the novel and also in other works which mention it. It was only after the first half of the 14th century that Catalan writers began to write with the form to which the first, and more euphonic, -n- is added, a form which has persisted up to modern times; in all probability they wished to relate the name to the adjective ‘white’ [‘blanc’], while it seems that Llull took the name from a famous palace in Constantinople, the palace of ‘Blaquernes”. Vid. Badia, Lola, Joan Santanach i Albert Soler, "Ramon Llull no va escriure Blanquerna. Per a una correcta catalogació de la novel·la lul·liana", Estudis Romànics 39 (2017), pp. 355-360.